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Laser Therapy

Laser therapy session

Our caring chiropractors at Love Chiropractic Center are dedicated to helping you achieve your highest health and wellness potentials. They tailor care to your specific needs and goals, and this care often includes a range of therapeutic modalities to augment healing.

Each of our locations—Concord, Harrisburg and Salisbury—offers the same outstanding level of care and the same menu of services. Laser therapy is one of our most popular therapies because it’s painless, non-invasive and takes just a few minutes.

What It Does

Laser therapy uses specific frequencies of red and near-infrared light that are directed through your skin and into the tissues below. As the cells of the tissues absorb the light, a physiological reaction occurs, stimulating a healing response within the body. This response includes increased cellular energy and increased blood flow, which brings oxygen and other healing nutrients and helps to flush out inflammation.

This therapy is completely painless—in fact, you will probably feel nothing at all during your session.

Laser therapy is typically recommended for patients suffering with pain, edema, swelling or spasm. It can be helpful for chronic conditions, inflammation and elbow, shoulder, wrist, knee or ankle problems. One of the first patients who received this therapy in our office had chronic shoulder pain. He felt nothing during the therapy and went home a bit skeptical. He called an hour later to report that his shoulder felt better than it had in years.

Most patients feel the beneficial effects within a few hours.

Either before or after your chiropractic adjustment, you’ll be taken into a private therapy room where we will use a handheld device to direct the light into the affected area. It looks and feels like we are just aiming a light at you—but these frequencies of light are absorbed by the body, even though you don’t feel a thing. Your session lasts about three minutes.

We strive to keep your entire visit, including adjustments and therapies, to thirty minutes or less. Some insurance plans cover laser therapy.

Book Today

Contact us today to schedule. We can’t wait to get started!


Laser Therapy Concord, Harrisburg, Salisbury NC | Love Chiropractic Center